
Drugs and Alcohol at Work

Drugs and Alcohol are a problem in the workplace.  The object of this program is to identify some of the problems and to look at a variety of options available to handle this issue. These are just some of the facts: Of all people with alcohol or other drug-related problems, 60% - 70% are in full-time employment Of all workplace fatalities 15% - 30% are related to alcohol and  other drugs Of all workplace accidents 20% - 30% involve people in an intoxicated state People with alcohol and drug problems have 200% - 300% more absenteeism than other employees Included in the program: Definition of what is a workplace alcohol and drug problem Safety and productivity issues associated with alcohol and drug problems Identification of problems Issues of confidentiality Drug and Alcohol Testing Self-denial  It is commonly agreed that at least 10% of the entire workforce suffers from some form of drug dependency problem.  This 10% figure is also seen by most to be on the increase. RUNNING TIME: 5 Minutes
