Elevating Work Platforms
Elevating Work Platforms are also referred to as EWPs or Mobile Elevating Work Platforms (MEWPs). The use of EWPs has been a major factor in the reduction of falls accidents in the workplace, and in many cases, the use of an EWP is the safest solution to enabling temporary work at height. However, the use of EWPs is not risk free. There are many potential hazards associated with the use of EWPs. This comprehensive EWP safety program covers: Types of EWPs Pre-Operational Checks General Guidelines Hazards, includingTippingCollapsesTrapping and CrushingFallsElectrical HazardsObject Falling from Height Control Measures The objective of this program is to highlight the importance of operating EWPs safely and by so doing, increase awareness of the standards for worker responsibility in observing and being active in daily safety procedures. DURATION: 16 Minutes